Keep us open -
Pay Us What We're Worth!
For years educators, providers and families
have all been telling the Government just
how bad the workforce crisis in the sector is.
Minister Bourke and Minister Aly have told educators that new Multi Employer Bargaining laws were the path to real change – and we listened. On the first day the laws came into effect, educators lodged our case with the FWC – and we’ve worked hard to move our case forward as soon as the FWC gave us our authorisation.
Since February 2022, thousands of UWU members have endorsed the claim for a 25% wage increase funded by the Federal Government and a stronger representative voice.
Friday 10 November was the first time that a government representative attended negotiations to hear the case for a better sector from Unions, providers and peaks. No one could have been any clearer about just how urgent the need for action is.
But the response during the meeting from the government representative was totally inadequate. They listened to our stories, and committed to reporting them back to the Ministers, but insisted they wouldn’t be able to come back to the bargaining table again until late January 2024.
United Workers Union delegates in the room made it clear that this wasn’t good enough.
As educators we know that everyone supports a payrise for our sector – including providers, families and the community.
But the Government has so far remained silent on the role they need to play as the key funder of the sector.
So it’s time to send the Government a message:
if they want centres to stay open, they have to
Pay Us What We’re Worth.
Tell the Federal Government:
Keep us open – pay us what we’re worth!
On Wednesday, 29 November UWU members will be taking a day of workplace action to put the government on notice about the dire consequences if they don’t come back to the bargaining table and give educators a reason to stay before Christmas, and commit to meeting more regularly to finalise a deal as soon as possible after Christmas.
To send this message, on November 29 educators will be putting posters of padlocks on the front doors of every centre!
Because unless government comes to the table before Christmas, in the new year, educators will have no choice but to shut the doors.
How do I get involved?
How do I take action?
- Register to take part in the action above.
- Download the padlock poster image and print it out in large format.
- Put it up in your centre. Speak to other educators, and to families to ask for their support.
- On 29 November, add the padlock to your centre’s front door and share your centre’s action on Early Educators United here.
Once you’ve registered, you will be redirected to a page inviting you download a poster that you can print and display in your centre on the day.
Got a question? Email us at