Supporting child wellbeing:
responding to and using the CISS effectively

Do you want to make a real change
in the lives of children and families?

As educators, you have first-hand experience of what it is like to support child wellbeing, and how important it is to plan for child wellbeing and safety in your centre. By attending this course accredited by the Department of Education and Training, you will build your skills to support the wellbeing and safety of children and families at your centre. We’re working with thousands of educators across Victoria to make child wellbeing and responsive practice a professional development priority.

Learn how to access tools to support children’s wellbeing

Educators are in a unique position to be able to proactively and reactively support and ensure children’s wellbeing and safety.

The Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) in Victoria can help you make a difference. 

That’s why United Workers Union has partnered with the Department of Education and Training to bring you training on how to use the Child Information Sharing Scheme effectively as part of your role as an educator.

What is the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS)?

The Child Information Sharing Scheme expands legal permissions for authorised organisations to share information to support child well-being or safety. This ensures that professionals working with children can gain a complete view of the children they work with, making it easier for professionals to safeguard children’s wellbeing. 

Enrol in training today to improve access to the CISS for your centre!

Together, we can stand together and make real changes in the lives of Victorian children.

Build your skills in supporting children’s wellbeing and apply today!

Supporting Child Wellbeing Workshops:

Educator Practitioner Training

Delivery: Full day in-person training
Cost: Free, funding to support educators to attend training available. 

Join the DET masterclass and United Workers Union networking session to learn how to use the CISS in your everyday role.

All early childhood educators in Victoria are encouraged to apply.

Centre Leaders Training

Delivery: Online via Zoom
Cost: Free, funding to support educators to attend training available.

Join the DET masterclass and UWU networking session to learn how to improve your centre’s implementation of the CISS and build your child wellbeing practice.

Child Wellbeing e-Learning

Sign up for free online training that you can complete at your own pace when it suits you! This online course is provided through the Department of Education and Training.

Join the CISS community

Connect with other educators to support each other and build a community of practice for Victorian educators, building their skills. Support each other to promote child wellbeing and build your skills in using the CISS. 

Networking opportunities will be online and face-to-face, to work around your schedule, with funded time to attend and an opportunity to gain an accredited certificate about the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme!


Authorised by Helen Gibbons, ECEC Director, United Workers Union, 833 Bourke St, Docklands, VIC 3008